Short Sale/Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure Waiting Period Changes
Fannie Mae has recently announced the waiting period requirements for borrowers who have had a previous deed-in-lieu of foreclosure or preforeclosure sale are being updated to now require a four-year waiting period; though a two-year waiting period will be permitted if the event was due to extenuating circumstances and the loan complies with all requirements specific to a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure or a preforeclosure sale due to extenuating circumstances, as specified in the Fannie Mae Selling Guide. The loan-to-value restrictions previously tied to different waiting period time-frames are also being removed.
Short Sale/Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
(Changes for applications taken on August 16, 2014 or later)
Waiting Periods Under the Old Guideline (On or before 8-15-2014)
Waiting Periods Under the New Guideline (On or after 8-16-2014)
7 years if the borrower puts <10% down Recovery period must have elapsed prior to the date of the application.
4 years from the date the deed to the property was transferred back to the servicer. No LTV/CLTV limitations.
4 years if the borrower puts 10% down Recovery period must have elapsed prior to the date of the application.
2 years if the borrower puts 20% down Recovery period must have elapsed prior to the date of the application.